The Bright Times


Welcome to the community section of The Bright Times. Let’s take a little time to consider what a community is and how it can affect our wellbeing.

A community is not just the people who are in it, it’s a human organisation. Being part of a community, joining in with meaningful projects and cultivating relationships with neighbours can all have a significant impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing. Research has shown that communities have a profound influence on our quality of life. How?

· Feeling that you matter and have a role; that you are useful and are able to make a contribution no matter how small.
· A community can empower individuals to contribute to society in a world where many people are isolated and marginalised.
· Feeling involved in decisions that affect your life and the lives of those around you, having your views heard and respected.
· Having hope and a sense of progress of future prospects for yourself and your kin.
· Feeling proud of what you have achieved individually and collectively.
· Being part of a community can increase your confidence and self worth.
· There may be opportunities to learn and develop (not just academically).
· Confidence and skills can be gained which will help to exercise greater power in everyday life.

Communities are built through joining and being regularly involved in organised groups, local clubs and civic organisations, through developing social ties, like entertaining friends at home and sharing leisure activities e.g. Music and sport. So what are you waiting for? Whatever it is your are intersted in or passionate about, from bird watching to antiques to volunteering, see if there is an oppourtunity in your local community you can get involved with and if not why not start a group or club yourself?


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

The Bright Times © 2008 |

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