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Welcome to the Work and Learning section of The Bright Times. By work we do not just mean employment. Work can be unpaid and informal. Education, voluntary activities, looking after children, elderly or disabled relatives, as well as domestic chores and DIY are all considered to be work.
Work and/or learning play a part in almost all of our lives. Although in the general sense of the word these things may not make us ‘happy’ they do contribute to our fulfilment and personal development. Being happy in your work and being happy in life have an effect on each other. Happy people take their cheeriness to work with them and the reverse of that is that people who are stressed in these environments will find they are stressed also in their home life.
Work provides us with a time structure, social relationships, social identity and regular activity. Greater wellbeing can lead to better job performance and increased satisfaction at work. If our work is beyond our skill level we become anxious, likewise, if a task is too easy it will lead to boredom. In this section we will look at different aspects of work and learning with a view to helping people to appreciate how these things can affect our general wellbeing.
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." Herman Cain